About Vilem Zach

Vilem Zach was born on October 23, 1946 in Prague, Czech Republic. While in the Czech Republic, he spent numerous years studying privately under the mentorship of his art professor, Tesinsky. Finding life unrewarding under communist rule, he left his homeland in 1969 and moved to Canada. Once in Canada, Zach was able to transform his childhood passion for art into a full-time profession, realizing his dream of painting the North American Indian and their culture. With each pastel portrait, he strives for a high standard of accuracy and feeling.

His work also consists of candid, yet detailed portraits of the western heritage. By 1978, Zach had become more established with his portraiture works. He began experimenting with sculpting pieces and casting them in bronze, a medium for which he is now internationally recognized.

Currently residing in Calgary, Alberta, Zach has exhibited with the world famous Calgary Exhibition and Stampede since 1977. Many of his life size statues and heroic size monuments can be seen at numerous tourist attractions and in private collections.

Vilem Zach's work has definitely merited being included with elite artisans of both past and present. In keeping with a longstanding family tradition, Zach includes his signature marking on each bronze he creates.

Awards he has received include: the 1986 Calgary Time Capsule Monument, the 1987 Olympic Torch Runners Monument (to commemorate the 16th Winter Olympic Games held in Calgary), and the Mr. W.C. Van Horne statue (1988).

Collectors Include: the Canadian Embassy in Washington D.C., Petro Canada, Canadian Pacific Hotels, the Banff Museum and the Calgary International Airport.

Private Collectors Include: the past President of Czech Republic, Vaclav Have l; Prince Andrew of England; former Governor of Oklahoma, Frank Keating; Ralph Lauren; the former Premier of Alberta, Ralph Klein, and the former Mayor of Calgary, Al Duerr.